How to Open Your Router Administration

By Tammy Columbo

Set up network security through your router's administration tool.
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A router’s administration tool is a Web-based application that you can access from any computer connected to your network. Open it by entering your network’s gateway address into a browser and logging in with administrator credentials. Default login credentials are preconfigured for most routers, but you can change the password. Use your router’s administration tool to configure your wireless network and change security settings.

Find Default Gateway IP

Step 1

Press "Win-X" to open a command prompt in Windows 8.

Step 2

Type "ipconfig" at the prompt.

Step 3

Press the "Enter" key to list your network IP information on the screen. Note the Default Gateway IP address. Use this IP address to access your router administration tool regardless of the brand or model of your router.

Most Router Models

Step 1

Open a Web browser, and type the IP address for your network's default gateway in the address bar. Press the “Enter” key to open the login prompt.

Step 2

Type the username and password, and then click “Sign In” to view the setup screen.

Step 3

Edit settings or configurations as desired, and then click “Save Settings” to save the network configuration.


Step 1

Open a Web browser and type the default gateway IP address in the browser address bar. You can also access the administration interface using “” and “” Press “Enter” to open the login prompt.

Step 2

Type the username and password in the appropriate fields. Click “Sign In.” The Netgear Setup Wizard may display, depending on the model of your Netgear router.

Step 3

Click “Yes” to use the Smart Setup Wizard to configure your router, or click “No” to continue to the administration interface. Click “Next.” Depending on your selection, either the Setup Wizard launches, or the main screen of the Netgear administration tool opens.

Step 4

Configure your network settings and security, and then click “Done” to save the configuration.
