How to Open Network Connections From the Task Manager

By Mike Benson

Knowing various shortcuts to specific routes and programs can drastically increase your efficiency.
i log-on keyboard keys image by Michael Brown from

The Windows Task Manger is a very useful utility. You can monitor memory, processor, and page file performance as well as manage the currently running processes and services. In addition to monitoring performance and managing applications, the Task Manager can open programs and navigate to specific areas of Windows. Built into the Task Manger is the Windows Run box. This allows you to use all of the same Run commands in the Task Manager.

Press "Ctrl + Alt + Del" to load Task Manager.

You can also press the shortcut keys "Ctrl + Shift + Esc," or "Right-click" on your Windows Task Bar and select "Start Task Manager."

Click "File," then "New Task (Run...)."

Type "Ncpa.cpl" and press "Enter."

You can also type "control netconnections." Both commands take you to the Network Connections component of the Control Panel.
