How to Open a DEX File

By Tammy Clevenger

A DEX file is a Dalvik Executable file, a code file for the Android operating system that can also be interpreted by the Dalvik virtual machine. Create DEX files manually as text files in a text editor, or automatically generate DEX files with Java code. Several DEX files combined and archived in a single APK package make up the final application package for the Android device. Create and open DEX files with the Google Android Software Developers Kit, or SDK, or with a text editor such as Notepad.

Right-click on the DEX file to show the context menu.

Click the "Open With" option.

Click the "Google Android SDK" option in the list. If the option is not listed, click "Browse" and navigate to the EXE file for the SDK, then click on the file. The DEX file opens in the Google Android SDK. To open the DEX file in a text editor, select the "Notepad" or "WordPad" option in the list of available programs.
