How to Minimize Toolbars

By Stephen Lilley

Toolbars are rows of icons that run across the top or side of programs in the Windows operating system. For example, your Web browser toolbar has your "Refresh" and "Back" buttons, among others. Minimizing toolbars must occur within the main program window, but often is accomplished in one of a few similar ways, no matter what program you're actually using.

Right-click on your taskbar. If the toolbar you are trying to minimize is located on your task bar, select the "Toolbars" option from the task bar menu and click the name of the tool bar you want to minimize. For example, if you want to minimize the "Address" toolbar, click its name to automatically minimize it and hide it from view.

Right-click on the toolbar itself, if your tool bar is at the top of a program window. In the Internet Explorer Web browser, right-click at the top of the screen to pull up a list of toolbars that are currently enabled. Click the name of the toolbar you want to minimize.

Click "View" at the top of your program window. If you were unable to minimize your toolbar using the methods in "Step 2," click "View" and look for a "Toolbars" or similarly titled menu option. Clicking this icon will reveal your installed toolbars, and clicking on the name of a tool bar will minimize it.
