How to Make an Xbox Work With a Cell Phone

By Travis Meyer

File transfer from computer to Xbox
i ethernet image by Jaume Felipe from

Although the Xbox doesn't have the capacity to connect to your handset's cellular network, it is able to connect to your device's media library. As long as you have a newer generation phone with a USB connector cable you can link your handset with your Xbox console to stream the music, video or pictures from your television's screen or stereo equipment.

Step 1

Connect your handset to your Xbox using the USB connector cable. You can plug the USB connector cable into either of the two ports located on the front plate of the Xbox console. Turn on the Xbox if it isn't already active.

Step 2

Use the controller to navigate to "My Xbox" and choose "Music Library," "Video Library" or "Picture Library," depending on which media type you would like to stream from your handset.

Step 3

Choose "Portable Device" from the following list of drives. You will be shown a list of the media files located on your cellular device. To play any one of them, scroll down and click the green select button on your controller.
