How to Make a Virtual Picture Frame

By Faizah Imani

When a person visits your website, they are visiting your virtual home on the World Wide Web. Just like you hang pictures on the wall of your real home, you can also hang pictures on the wall of your virtual home. You can also add picture frames to your online photos, just as you would in your real home. All you need to accomplish this task is access to the right photo software.

Go to a website that will allow you to create virtual picture frames. A few of the websites that will allow you to use their free software to do this is,,, and You can also visit the Softlist.Net website (see link in Resources below) to download numerous software programs such as IE Picture Framer, Apple Framy, Ace Photo Frame,and Photo Frame Show. These downloadable programs are specifically designed to create virtual picture frames.

Select the option to "Upload" the photograph for which you would like to create a virtual frame. Some of the websites may require you to create a free user account before uploading photos.

Browse through the list of available frame templates until you find one that suits your taste. If you are unsure of how a certain frame will look with your picture, you can select the "Preview" option to view your picture and frame together.

Save your virtually framed picture to your desktop or disk by performing a "Right Click" on the picture. Select "Save As." Save the picture in your pictures folder or another folder of your choice. Some of the websites may also allow you to store your framed picture on their servers.

Share your framed picture online, just as you would your other pictures. You email the pictures to friend and family. You can also post the pictures on your website or use them in slideshows such as and
