How to Make Picture Banner With Clickable Link

By Marina Martin

Finding a key does not require editing the Windows Registry.
i Ciaran Griffin/Lifesize/Getty Images

A custom website banner that links back to a website is an excellent tool for increasing traffic to your web page, selling more products through your affiliate link, or even making new friends on social networking sites like MySpace and Facebook. You can use one of many web-based graphic editing tools to create an attractive, professional banner for free, and turning it into a clickable link takes just a single line of HTML code.

Step 1

Create a banner advertisement with the dimensions, images, and text you want with an online banner creation site (see Resources for suggested services).

Step 2

Right-click on the finished banner ad image. Choose "Save Image As" and save it to a memorable location on your computer.

Step 3

Upload the image to your web host, or to a free image hosting service. (See References for free image hosting suggestions.) Make note of the URL of the uploaded image.

Step 4

Insert the following code where you want the clickable banner to appear:

Replace "" with the URL you want the visitor to go to when they click on the banner.

Replace "" with the URL of your banner ad image file.

Make sure to leave the quotation marks ("") intact.
