How to Make a Music File With a URL

By Kevin Lee

When your music file has a URL, others can listen too.
i businesswoman listening to her favorite music image by Francois du Plessis from

Every Web page on the Internet has a URL. URLs are numbers that identify each resource on the Internet. Every item on a Web page has a URL. If 10 music files exist on a page, each file will have a unique URL. If you wish to share a music file on the Web, you can create a URL for that file on your Web server. Anyone who knows that URL can then access the music file.

Identify the Web server you wish to use to host your music file. If you have only one website, you probably have one Web server. This could be your own Web server or one on a shared hosting site that hosts your regular HTML pages.

Upload the music file to the server as you normally do when uploading HTML files to the server.

Remember the name of the folder where you save the file. Your Web server may have many folders, depending on how you organized the site structure. For example, you may have created folders named "Images," "Resources" or "Media." If you upload the file into the "Media" folder, remember that name.

Open a Web browser, and type the following in the browser's URL box:

Replace "MyWebSite" with the name of your website. Replace "FolderName" with the name of the folder that contains the music file. Replace "xyz.mp3" with the name of the file you uploaded. For instance, if you upload a file named "Dreams.mp3" to a folder named "Songs," type the following in the browser's URL box:

Press "Enter." Your browser navigates to that URL and plays the music.
