How to Make a Limited Profile for People on Facebook

By Suzette Barnard

Facebook, created by Mark Zuckerberg, offers security and privacy.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

You want to share your world with your friends on Facebook, but some of your profile's pictures, videos and comments may not be appropriate for coworkers or other acquaintances who want to connect with you through the social networking site. Those friend requests may best be handled through what's called a "limited profile," a friend list that gives limited access to the information contained on your profile. You can control how much information you share on your limited profile through the Facebook privacy settings.

Step 1

Log in to Facebook.

Step 2

Choose the "Friends" link from the left column. Then click the "Edit Friends" button near the top of the page.

Step 3

Click on the "Create a List" button. Create a name for your your list, such as "Limited Profile."

Step 4

Scroll through the list of Facebook friends provided in the window. Click once on each person's name you want to add to the list, and a check will appear in his picture. When you've added everyone you want, press the "Create List" button.

Step 5

Add privacy settings to your list by going to the "Account" section, then "Privacy Settings."

Step 6

Go to "Customize Settings" and use the drop-down menus to "Edit" each item that can be shared. The resulting window will allow you to block access to individuals or your limited profile list.
