How to Make the Font Bigger in Notes for the iPad

By Todd Bowerman

The iPad's accessibility options affect several apps.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Apple’s iOS operating system includes a number of helpful accessibility features for the hearing and sight impaired. One such feature is the support of large text fonts, which make onscreen text easier to read and edit. The font size of text in the native Notes app for iPad is controlled by the device’s accessibility settings.

Step 1

Tap the “Settings” icon on the iPad home screen. Select “General.”

Step 2

Touch “Accessibility” and select “Large Text.”

Step 3

Choose a large text option that suits your needs by touching it. The iPad supports a font size of up to 56 points.

Step 4

Press the iPad home button to return to the home screen. Open the Notes app to see your new font in action.
