How to Make the Font Bigger on a Kindle

By Todd Bowerman

Your Kindle e-book reader can read aloud to you.
i Spencer Platt/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Amazon’s Kindle e-reader is designed to mimic the experience of reading a real-life book, but with a digital screen. One obvious advantage to digital is that you as the reader have the capability to manually adjust things text size or page brightness. It is possible to increase the font size on a Kindle device, though the exact process varies depending on which Kindle you are using.

Early Generation Kindle

Step 1

Press the "Aa" button, next to the space bar, on the Kindle keyboard.

Step 2

Scroll to the text size you want to use.

Step 3

Press the "Select" key to choose a new text size. Changes will be applied immediately.

Late-Generation Kindle

Step 1

Open the media item you want to read.

Step 2

Press the "Menu" button to open the contextual Kindle menu.

Step 3

Select “Change Font Size.”

Step 4

Adjust the font size, typeface, words per line and line spacing in the pop-up menu.

Kindle Touch

Step 1

Open an item for reading. The Kindle Touch uses contextual menus.

Step 2

Tap the top of the screen to open the toolbar. Touch the “Aa” button.

Step 3

Select “Font Size.” Select the font size you want to use.

Step 4

Touch the “X” icon to return to your reading.
