How to Look at Someone Else's Followers on Tumblr

By Evelyn Johnson

You can't see another Tumblr user's followers, but you can determine who is interested in that user's blog.
i Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images

Tumblr does not allow you to see another user's followers; however, you can determine some of the people who are reading and interacting with another Tumblr user by looking at the Tumblr user's post responses and who that user follows. Learning how to determine who is interacting with a certain Tumblr user can help you find other Tumblr users who are similar and are interested in the type of content the Tumblr user is posting.

Looking at a Tumblr User's Post Responses

Step 1

Type the URL of the Tumblr user you want to learn about in your address bar.

Step 2

Scroll down until you find an original post generated by the user. Skip over posts that are reblogs of other users' content.

Step 3

Click on the "notes" icon on the original post generated by the user to see the other Tumblr users who have responded to the post. These are users who have interacted with and are interested in the Tumblr user's original content.

Step 4

Repeat steps 1 through 3 in this section with other original content posts on the Tumblr user's blog to find additional users who interact with the Tumblr user.

Looking at Who a Tumblr User Follows

Step 1

Type the URL of the Tumblr user you want to learn about in your address bar.

Step 2

Scroll down the page until you see a "People I follow" heading. This heading is placed differently in different Tumblr themes. Some themes do not allow you to see people a Tumblr user follows.

Step 3

Click on the avatars under the "People I follow" heading to be taken to the blogs of the users who the Tumblr user you are viewing follows. People often follow users who follow them.
