How to Log Off of Netflix on a Samsung TV

By Tammy Columbo

Log off Netflix on your Samsung TV using your remote control.
i Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

On the Netflix logout screen, the “Deactivate” option logs your device out of your Netflix account. You may think that this option deactivates the Netflix account, but it does not. You can log back in with the same or another Netflix account once you log off. Access the “Deactivate” screen to log off Netflix on your Samsung TV using the Info button on your remote control. If your remote control does not have an Info button, use the Remote Control method to launch the Deactivate screen.

Info Button Method

Step 1

Open the Netflix app on the Samsung TV.

Step 2

Press the “Info” button on the Samsung remote control.

Step 3

Navigate to “Deactivate” using the “Down” arrow, and then press the “Select” button to select the option.

Step 4

Press the “Select” button on the “Yes” option in the confirmation prompt. Your Netflix account is logged off of the Samsung TV.

Remote Control Method

Step 1

Press the “Up” arrow key twice on your TV’s remote control while in the Netflix app.

Step 2

Press the “Down” arrow key twice.

Step 3

Press the “Left” arrow and then the “Right” arrow. Once again, press the “Left” and then “Right” arrows.

Step 4

Press the “Up” arrow four times. The “Deactivation” screen displays.

Step 5

Press the arrow keys to navigate to the “Deactivate” option, and then press the “Select” button. Netflix logs out of the current account.
