How to View an iPad in Sunlight

By Cameron Sherber

Comfortably view your iPad's screen in sunlight.
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Apple's iPad makes on-the-go computing fun and convenient. However, when using the tablet in direct sunlight, you're liable to encounter some glare and visibility problems. Fortunately, there are several simple fixes for this issue, none of which require a great deal of time or effort. So if you're ready to enhance your outdoor iPad experience, take a few moments to remedy the viewing problems synonymous with sunlight.

Step 1

Equip your iPad with an anti-glare screen cover. These covers are manufactured by Apple and a number of third-party companies and are readily available at most Apple stores. In addition to reducing glare, these covers will effectively protect your iPad from fingerprints, smudges and scratches.

Step 2

Don a pair of polarized sunglasses whenever you use your iPad outdoors. Not only will these glasses enable you to view your iPad's screen with minimal glare, they will also help to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays.

Step 3

Wear a pair of passive 3D glasses when using your iPad in direct sunlight. These unique glasses serve to effectively block polarized light and provide you with a glare-free iPad computing experience. However, if you're not a fan of calling attention to yourself, be aware that these glasses tend to be very large, thick and noticeable.

Step 4

Move to a shaded are when using your iPad outdoors. Taking shelter under a large umbrella or making yourself comfortable beneath a tree or other area out of the sun can go a long way in reducing glare on your tablet.
