How to Find the IP Address of a Wireless Range Expander

By LangstonD

Ethernet wire is needed to make a home Wi-Fi connection.
i Ethernet crossover cable image by lefebvre_jonathan from

A wireless range expander increases the area your wireless network can cover. The IP address of a wireless range expander is important because it allows you to load up a Web-based access page remotely and edit important settings. Without this access page you wouldn't be able to edit the setting or configurations. That is like having a personal computer but not being able to input any information. Different manufacturers use different default IP addresses so this guide will teach you how to find static IP address.

Finding the IP Address

Step 1

Set up the wireless range expander next to a personal computer with an Ethernet controller.

Step 2

Plug the Ethernet cable into the wireless range expander and then into the computer.

Step 3

Click the "Start" menu button and go to the "Run" command.

Step 4

Type in "cmd" into the box to bring up the command prompt.

Step 5

Type in "ipconfig/all" without the quotation marks to bring up the default gateway settings.

Step 6

Write down the numbers next to the options that say "Default Gateway." The numbers listed represent the IP address for the wireless range adapter.
