How to Install PG Fonts for Band-In-a-Box
By Jason Artman
Band-in-a-Box is a music utility that can create professional quality backing-tracks based on chords and a variety of pre-defined styles (such as "Rock" and "Jazz"). Additionally, Band-in-a-Box allows you to create chord sheets that you can print and give to real musicians. Band-in-a-Box installs custom fonts in order to generate and print these chord sheets. If you see an error about fonts when you attempt to print sheet music, your computer may be missing the necessary fonts. Install the PG Music Font Update for Band-in-a-Box to resolve this issue.
Step 1
Browse to the PG Music Font Update download page (see Resources for link). Download the file and save it to the desktop.
Step 2
Close any instances of Band-in-a-Box that are running, and restart your computer.
Step 3
Double-click the file "bbwfontupdate.exe" on the desktop after the computer is done restarting.
Step 4
Click "Next" in the Band-in-a-Box Font Update Setup Wizard window.
Step 5
Examine the license agreement for the Band-in-a-Box Font Update. Select the radio button labeled "I accept the agreement," and then click "Next" to continue.
Step 6
Read the information displayed regarding the font update, and then click "Next."
Step 7
Highlight the folder where Band-in-a-Box is installed, and then click "Next." The folder "C:\bb" is the standard installation folder for Band-in-a-Box, and is selected for you by default.
Step 8
Click "Install," and then click "Finish" when the fonts are finished being installed. The computer restarts automatically. When the computer is finished restarting, the Band-in-a-Box fonts are ready to use.
Writer Bio
Jason Artman has been a technical writer since entering the field in 1999 while attending Michigan State University. Artman has published numerous articles for various websites, covering a diverse array of computer-related topics including hardware, software, games and gadgets.