How to Install Microsoft XPS Document Writer

By John Mitchell

The Microsoft XPS Document Writer is an essential core software component that comes pre-installed on Windows Vista and Windows 7. Windows XP users will have to install it from scratch, unless it was previously installed by you or an administrator. The first thing you must do is to check and see if the XPS Document Writer is already installed. If not, Microsoft makes it simple to install the component.

Checking for XPS Document Writer

Step 1

Open any Windows program, like Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Word.

Step 2

Click the "File" menu and select "Print." This action will open the "Print" dialog box, giving you access to all your printers and document writers.

Step 3

Click the down arrow next to the drop-down box for the "Name" option. If you see "Microsoft XPS Document Writer" listed as a printer choice, then it is fully installed and you need not take an further action.

Installing the XPS Document Writer

Step 1

Open a Web browser and type "" in the address bar. Press "Enter" to load the website. You will arrive at the Microsoft Download Center, where you can obtain many new software components, patches and extensions for the Windows operating system.

Step 2

Type "xps document writer" in the top search box. Hit "Enter" to load the search results. On the next page, click the "Microsoft XMP Paper Specification Essentials Pack" link.

Step 3

Choose which versions is compatible with your operating system and click the "Download" button. If necessary, agree to any prompts to download the file.

Step 4

Double-click the downloaded file, which usually ends with a .msu file extension. Follow the on-screen prompts to install the new software component. It may take several minutes to install, but once completed the Microsoft installer will notify you.
