How to Install Malwarebytes on Ubuntu

By Allen Bethea

If you are not careful, you can install malware on your Ubuntu PC.
i Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Even though Ubuntu Linux is impervious to most malware, you are at some risk if you install and run infested Windows applications using Wine. However, you can protect yourself from Windows viruses, rootkits and other malicious programs by using utilities like Malwarebytes. If you already have Wine installed, all you need to do to install Malwarebytes is to download the installer package from the developer's website and get a copy of the Visual Basic 6 SP6 run-time environment from Microsoft.

Install Wine

Step 1

Launch an Ubuntu Terminal session.

Step 2

Install Wine from the Ubuntu Software Center by typing "sudo apt-get install wine" at the command prompt, and then pressing "Enter." Although Wine appears in the Software Center, it will not install. The APT command, however, will resolve all dependencies and install Wine.

Step 3

Type "y" and press "Enter" when you see "Install these packages without verification [y/N]?" This installs all the packages needed to run Wine.

Install Malwarebytes and Visual Basic 6.0 Run-Time

Step 1

Download Malwarebytes from the developer's recommended partner website. Save the file to the your Downloads directory instead of trying to open it with the Wine installer application.

Step 2

Download the VB6.0-KB290887-X86.exe file that contains the Visual Basic 6.0 run-time (link in Resources).

Step 3

Select the "Open With" option to enable Wine to extract the vbrun60SP6.exe file from the archive, and then extract the file into your Downloads directory.

Step 4

Type "cd Downloads" at the terminal prompt, and then press "Enter."

Step 5

Type "wine vbrun60sp6.exe" at the command prompt, and then press "Enter" to install the Visual Basic run-time in Wine.

Step 6

Type in the command to install the version of Malwarebytes you downloaded, and then press “Enter.” For instance, if the file you downloaded is named mbam-setup-, type "wine mbam-setup-" to run the installer.

Step 7

Follow the prompts to install Malwarebytes, but on the final installer screen, deselect the checkboxes labeled "Enable free trial of Malwarebytes PRO" and "Update Malwarebytes" before you click the "Finish" button. You can update Malwarebytes once the program is running.
