How to Install a Font for Microsoft Publisher

By Filonia LeChat

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Microsoft Publisher, the Microsoft Office Suite Professional 2010's software for creating quick publications such as business cards, greeting cards, programs and magazines, comes with the built-in collection of fonts found in other Microsoft programs such as Excel and Word. Publishing tycoons aren't limited to using just these fonts (collections of intricately designed letters and numbers). Instead, they can install new fonts that can liven up documents, such as blood-dripping letters or letters framed in individual candy-coated chocolate balls, all with just a couple of quick clicks.

Step 1

Download the new font and save it to the computer desktop. Alternatively, insert a font CD and navigate to the font list, then drag the font from the CD onto the desktop.

Step 2

Close Publisher, if it's open. Click the "Start" button or round Windows icon in the bottom left-corner of the screen.

Step 3

Click "Control Panel" on the fly-out list. Type "Fonts" into the text box at the right-top corner of the window.

Step 4

Click "View installed fonts." Depending on the number of fonts installed already on the computer, this may take a few moments.

Step 5

Minimize (click the dash/hyphen icon in the top-right corner of the window) any other windows or programs so that you can see just the desktop and the control panel list of fonts.

Step 6

Click once on the new font on the desktop. Drag it and drop it into the right-side pane of the fonts window. Drop it anywhere; the computer will automatically alphabetize it into place. The font package size may bring up a small progress-bar as it installs.

Step 7

Close the "Control Panel" window. Double-click the Publisher icon to open the program.

Step 8

Double-click any of the Publisher templates such as newsletter, brochure or blank.

Step 9

Click the "Draw Text Box" button in the middle of the ribbon/toolbar at the top of the page. Draw a text box on the page. It doesn't matter what size, this is just to check whether the font was installed.

Step 10

Pull down the font menu, under the "Font" section of the ribbon/toolbar. Look for the new installed font in alphabetical order in the list.
