How to Install Drivers for a Buffalo External Hard Drive

By Lindsay Howell

Buffalo Technologies builds all sorts of storage devices, including a series of external hard drives. While many computers support Buffalo external hard drives out of the box, the firmware needs to be installed on some computers to work. The firmware installs drivers onto your computer, which allows the external hard drive to function on the computer.

Step 1

Visit Buffalo's driver website,, using your Internet browser.

Step 2

Click the dropdown box and click on your external hard drive name.

Step 3

Click "Download" under "Firmwares." Click "Save" and choose a place to download the file.

Step 4

Double-click the compressed folder that the driver files come in. Inside this folder is a file called "Read Me." Double-click this file. Follow the instructions inside this file to properly install the driver. Usually, the driver is installed by double-clicking the driver file that came inside the driver. Next, the Buffalo external hard drive is plugged into the computer once the driver is installed.
