How to Insert Gifs Into Thunderbird Email

By Kevin Lee

Surprise email recipients with messages that move.
i Dynamic Graphics/Dynamic Graphics Group/Getty Images

While you can copy and paste plain text into an email message, you can't do the same thing with complex objects such as animated GIFs. GIFs can add novelty and freshness to email messages because their motion captures people's attention. Mozilla's Thunderbird email program gives you the ability to insert inline GIF images using a couple of methods: you can upload them from your computer or tell Thunderbird to use a GIF that resides on the Web.

Step 1

Click Thunderbird's "Write" button to open a new Write window. Compose a new message as you normally do and click a location in the message where you want an animated GIF to appear.

Step 2

Click "Insert," select "Image" and paste the URL of an animated GIF into the "Image Location" text box. Alternatively, instead of typing a URL into the Image Location text box, you can click "Choose File" and double-click an animated GIF file that appears in the Select Image File window. That window shows your computer's files.

Step 3

Type one or more words that describe the image in the "Alternate Text" text box and click "OK."

Step 4

Click "Send" after you finish composing the rest of your message. Your recipients will see the animated GIF when they view your message.
