How to Insert a Box Into a Word Document

By Tina Amo

Microsoft provides different options for creating a box in Word, but the method you select will depend on your needs. For instance, you can create a box to emphasize text or create one that is an object in a picture. The box can be as small or as large as the page will allow. You can also enhance the appearance of the box with other tools in Microsoft Word.

Place a text box in the Word document. Click the text box on the drawing toolbar at the bottom of the document. The text box icon has an image of a page with the letter "A" on the upper left side. Click on the page, hold the left mouse button down and drag. As you drag, a text box will appear. Release the button when the box is as big as you wish. You can type text into the box.

Insert a shape. Click the rectangle on the drawing toolbar. Click on the page and drag the cursor until the box is at the required size. Release the button.

Make a box with the "Table" command. Click "Table" on the navigation menu and select "Draw a table." Click the table icon in the "Tables and Borders" dialog box. Use the "Number of columns" and "Number of rows" fields to make the table as big as you wish. Click the "OK" button. Highlight the table then click "Table" on the navigation bar. Select "Merge cells." The program merges the cells together so the table becomes a box.

Use the features in the drawing toolbar to change the appearance of the boxes, if you wish. For instance, you can add a shadow, change the background color and make the box a 3D object. Note that it is not possible to alter tables with the drawing toolbar.
