How to Improve Wireless Camera Reception

By Amanda C. Kooser

Wired and wireless routers commonly connect to cable modems via Ethernet cables.
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

Wireless cameras are convenient because they can be placed almost anywhere without having to run cables into hard-to-reach areas. They are commonly used for security and surveillance purposes. Wireless cameras work over Wi-Fi networks and can thus be subject to the range and speed issues of other Wi-Fi devices. When your wireless camera reception isn't up to par, make a few adjustments to improve the picture quality.

Step 1

Adjust the antennae on both the wireless camera and the wireless router. If they both have external antennas, try swiveling them to point in each other's direction.

Step 2

Relocate the wireless router if possible. Placing the router in a more central location or in a spot closer to the camera can help improve the camera's reception.

Step 3

Replace the external antennae on both the camera and the router with high-gain directional antennas if the quality is still poor. Remove the existing antennae by unscrewing them in a counterclockwise direction. Attach the new antennae in the open antenna ports by screwing them on clockwise. Point the camera's antenna in the direction of the router's antenna.

Step 4

Install a wireless repeater. A wireless repeater is a range-extending device that works with your existing router to forward the signal farther. Place the repeater within range of your router and point it in the direction of the wireless camera.

Step 5

Upgrade your wireless router to the most current Wi-Fi standard. The latest standards such as Wireless-N offer a longer range and are less susceptible to interference than older standards such as 802.11b. You will get the best performance if the wireless camera supports the same newer standard.
