How to Import a CSV File to iCal

By Peter Thomas

i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Importing a CSV file of calendar information into iCal will allow you to keep multiple calendars up to date and synchronized. ICal does not support CSV importing by default, but there is a plugin available for this funcyion. iCalTextImport will allow you to export your CSV file using Microsoft Outlook, web calendars and other software and attempts to translate the file into a format readable by iCal.

Step 1

Download iCalTextImport from the link included in the Resources section.

Step 2

Drag the iCalTextImport utility to the Applications menu on your dock.

Step 3

Click "Applications," then click the iCalTextImport application.

Step 4

Drag your csv file into the iCalTextImport window from its location in Finder.

Step 5

Click convert to convert it to iCal's native format.

Step 6

Navigate to the location where you saved the converted file and double-click it to import it into iCal.
