How to Use a Router for Internet Sharing

By Lawrence Stephens

Routers are designed to allow shared connections between different computers.
i Thomas Northcut/Photodisc/Getty Images

Setting up a router for Internet sharing is a relatively simple process. Most router manufacturers design the router's software to be easy to operate and control for consumers. Routers are made for sharing Internet connections, so there is very little that is required on the end user's part to set it up properly. In the past, routers were large and cumbersome, but now routers are small and inexpensive pieces of hardware that can be connected and configured in a matter of minutes. Some routers include technology that allows you to set up an entire home network with just a few button clicks.

Open the Internet browser on a computer that is connected to the router via a cable. Wireless routers can be connected to the computer without the need for cables, but the initial set-up requires that a computer be connected directly.

Type “” (without quotes) into the browser’s address bar. This will open the router’s user interface. Some router manufacturers may use an IP address other than "" to access the router's interface. Refer to your router's user manual to confirm the proper IP address for your router. Enter the username and password if requested. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for the username and password for your specific router. By default, the username is usually set as “admin” with a password that is either blank or “password" (without quotes). After logging in, you can change the username and password, if desired.

Change the connection settings for the router to "PPPoE" (without quotes). The exact location of this information varies, depending on the specific router you have, but you should see a "Settings" or "General Network Connection" tab. Refer to your router's documentation for the specific location. Contact your Internet service provider for your username and password information, if required.

Set any wireless security policies that you wish to implement under the “Security” tab. It's recommend to limit access to your wireless connection by implementing a password. Save your settings before exiting the user interface.

Navigate with your browser to test the Internet connection. If you're able to reach an external website, then the connection is working properly.

Connect any other computers to the router with a cable or via Wi-Fi, depending on your preference. Test the connection on the new computer to be sure that it can connect to the Internet through the router.
