How to Uninstall Windows XP SP 3

By Kefa Olang

Service Pack 3 is a Windows XP system update that improves your computer's performance using enhanced security tools, updated drivers and new system components. You can uninstall it from your computer if you are having trouble launching certain programs, especially media programs such as video editing and photo editing programs. Uninstall Service Pack 3 using one of three simple methods.

Using Add or Remove Programs in the Control Panel

Close all the programs that you are currently using, then click the Windows "Start" button. Click the "Control Panel," and double-click "Add or Remove Programs" to launch the programs window.

Locate the "Show updates" check-box on the top of the programs window and click it. You should see a list of the Windows XP updates in the programs window.

Scroll through the programs window, click "Service Pack 3," and then click "Remove." Follow the guided prompts to complete the uninstall. When prompted, restart your computer.

Use the hidden $NtServicePackUninstall$ folder

Close all the programs that you are currently using, click the Windows "Start" button and then click "Run" to launch the command box.

Type "c:\windows\$NtServicePackUninstall$\spuninst\spuninst.exe" without quotes in the open box, and then click "OK." This launches the Service Pack 3 uninstall wizard. Make sure that you type the command correctly in order to launch the uninstall wizard.

Click "Next" on the installation wizard and follow the guided prompts to complete the uninstall. When prompted, restart your computer.

Using System Restore

Launch the System Restore utility by clicking the Windows "Start" button, selecting "All Programs," "Accessories," "System Tools," and then clicking "System Restore."

Click the "Restore my computer to an earlier time" option on the home screen, and click "Next." Click on the date that you installed Windows XP Service Pack 3, and click "Installed Window XP Service Pack 3" in the "Restore Point" box.

Click "Next" and follow the guided prompts to complete the uninstall. When the process completes, restart your computer.


Uninstalling Windows XP Service Pack 3 leaves your computer vulnerable to attacks from hackers and attackers.
