How to Unblock Senders in Hotmail

By Kathryn Hatashita-Lee

Access the Blocked Senders list to remove email addresses and domains.
i Chad Baker/Photodisc/Getty Images

Windows Live Hotmail lets you filter messages by adding or deleting email addresses or domains on the Blocked Senders list to manage your inbox content. Access this list to help you assess the senders from whom you still want to receive messages. For example, if you accidentally applied the Sweep tool to a client’s message and consequently added that address to the Blocked Senders list, Hotmail’s options lets you remove this safe address so you can view your client's future communications again.

Sign in to your Windows Live Hotmail account, click the “Options” button on your inbox page and click the “More options” link to open the Hotmail Options pane.

Click the “Save and blocked senders” link in the Preventing Junk Email section to open the pane, and click the “Blocked Senders” link.

Scroll the Blocked Senders pane and select the sender’s email address.

Click the “Remove from list” button.
