How to Turn Off Facebook SMS
By Carolyn Luck
Business owners who incorporate Facebook into their marketing campaigns may be interested in using Facebook text messaging to update their business information on the go. By sending simple text messages to Facebook, business owners can post photos of new products and alert customers of current promotions. Once you sign up to receive Facebook text messages, the steady stream of alerts and notifications can be overwhelming. Facebook text messaging is customizable, and there are options available to users who wish to turn them off.
From Your Phone
Use your mobile phone to compose a new text message.
Type "32665," which stands for "FBOOK," in the recipient field.
Type “Off” (without the quotes) in the Subject field. Send the message and await a confirmation from Facebook stating that SMS updates have been turned off.
From Your Computer
Log in to your Facebook account with your email address and password.
Click the “Account Settings” option that appears in the drop-down menu in the upper-right corner of any page.
Select the “Mobile” option in the left sidebar and switch the setting to “Off” on the resulting page.
Remove a mobile phone number completely from your Facebook account by clicking the “Remove” option that appears next to the number on the Mobile Settings page. By turning off Facebook texts, you will no longer receive text messages from Facebook, but you can still update your status, post photos and write on your friends’ Timelines via texts.
Writer Bio
Carolyn Luck has developed an extensive technical background in social media, online marketing, event planning, business development and small business management while serving as editor of "iMarketing Magazine." She has been published in "IPTV Magazine" and has contributed to many websites. Luck holds a bachelor's degree in sociology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook.