How to Save Web Browser History in Internet Explorer

By Willa Dunn

Recall previous site visits with browser history.
i Jupiterimages/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images

Microsoft Internet Explorer saves your web browsing history by default. If your settings have been changed and you no longer are able to access your website visitation history, you will need to change the browser settings to save your browsing history. You only need to perform this action once--your browser history will be saved according to the settings you make until they are changed again.

Click the “Tools” menu option in an Internet Explorer window. Select “Internet Options” from the resulting drop-down menu.

Click the “Settings” button found in the “Browsing history” section.

Set the “Days to keep pages in history” field to the number of days of browser history you desire to be kept. This field is located in the section titled “History.” The default setting is “20” but can be changed to any number up to “999.”

Click the “OK” button.


Internet Explorer keeps a copy of your history in a folder on your computer. Some browsers use these files to import your Internet Explorer history. To save history URLs for your own use, save the URLs that you want as favorites and then export them according to Microsoft’s instruction for your browser version.
