How to Open a Whiteboard File
By Shawn Farner
Whiteboard files, which are files ending in the WHT file extension, are commonly associated with Microsoft's Windows NetMeeting application. These files are saved NetMeeting drawing spaces that are saved in a proprietary image format. In order to view such files, you'll need access to an older computer running the Windows XP operating system. You'll also need to install NetMeeting on the machine in order to open the Whiteboard file you wish to view.
Open the Start menu and then click "My Computer."
Navigate to the ""C:\Program Files\NetMeeting" directory in My Computer.
Double-click the "conf.exe" application and then follow the step-by-step instructions to install NetMeeting on your Windows XP machine. The setup files are included by default with the operating system, so you don't have to download them from the Internet.
Open the NetMeeting application after the installation process is complete.
Click "Tools" and then "Whiteboard" to open the NetMeeting Whiteboard tool.
Click "File" and then click "Open." Navigate to the location where your saved Whiteboard file is located. Click the file to highlight it and then click the "Open" button.
Information in this article applies to Microsoft NetMeeting running on Windows XP. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
Writer Bio
Shawn Farner is a graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvania, receiving his Bachelor of Arts in English in 2008. His writing has appeared on, and He currently resides in Harrisburg, Pa.