How to Make My Favorites on YouTube Private

By Maya Walker

YouTube, a popular video-sharing website, features millions of user-generated videos. Users can create their own videos and share them with others. As a YouTube user, you can also view videos by other subscribers and mark them as favorites. If you to keep your favorites private, you can change your settings to hide them. After your favorites are hidden, users will only be able to see that you have a certain amount of favorites, but not the actual videos that are marked.

Access the YouTube Website. Log in to your account with your user name and password.

Click your user name in the upper-right corner; select “Account” from the drop-down menu.

Click “Activity Sharing” in the left panel. The settings for your YouTube activity will be displayed.

Uncheck the “Favorite a Video” box and click “Save Changes.” Your favorites will be hidden from all users in the future. You can still access your favorites after making them private, by clicking your user name and selecting "Favorites" from the drop-down menu.
