How to Make Exponents on a Computer Keyboard
By Ryan Menezes
Many computer programs include features for inserting special characters like exponents. Microsoft Office programs, for instance, add exponents through the symbols section of the ribbon's Insert tab. But Windows also supports shortcuts for inserting exponents via your keyboard. You can use these shortcuts to quickly add exponents when using basic text editors such as WordPad. You might also type exponents with your keyboard when instant messaging a client or filling a Web form.
Open your program and move your cursor to the point at which you want to insert the exponent.
Press the "Num Lock" button on your keyboard to activate Number Lock. Then, press and hold the "Alt" key.
Type "0185" on the keyboard's numeric keypad to make a "1" exponent. Type "253" to make a "2" exponent, or type "0179" to make a "3" exponent. Type "+," "207" and then any larger numeral to make any other exponent.
Release the "Alt" key to insert the exponent.
Some applications, such as Notepad, don't support exponent characters. If you cannot enter exponents with "Alt" codes, use the carat symbol ("^"). For example, to insert the exponent 2 ("mc²"), type "mc^2."
Writer Bio
Ryan Menezes is a professional writer and blogger. He has a Bachelor of Science in journalism from Boston University and has written for the American Civil Liberties Union, the marketing firm InSegment and the project management service Assembla. He is also a member of Mensa and the American Parliamentary Debate Association.