How to Import .TGZ to Gmail

By Allen Bethea

Gmail can be used for more than sending and receiving messages.
i Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images

Your business can use Google's Gmail application as a file sharing and collaboration tool. Gmail lets your employees exchange multiple documents saved as a single file created using the TGZ or Tar GNU Zip archiving and compression format. You may see TGZ files with either the “.tgz” or the “.tar.gz” file extension; there is no difference and either extension may be used. Gmail protects your company's computers by automatically scanning TGZ archives for viruses and malware and rejecting any files larger than 25 megabytes. In addition, TGZ files you import to Gmail as attachments will not be sent if they contain executable files with extensions like “.com” or “.exe.”

Log in to your Gmail account.

Click the “Compose” button to create a new message.

Click the "Attach a file" link.

Use the file manager to locate the ".tgz" file you want to import.

Select the file and then click "Open."


If you attach multiple files in your email message, Gmail can automatically create a ZIP formatted, compressed archive for you. Send your email with your attachments to one person's email address and then go to your "Sent Mail" folder and select the message you just sent. In addition to the original attachments, you should see the "Download all attachments" link. Click this link to create and download a ZIP file which you then resend or save for later use.


In addition to .exe and .com files, Gmail will not let you send or receive TGZ archives that contain executable files with the extensions .ade, .adp, .chm, .cmd, .cpl, .hta, .ins, .isp, .jse, .lib, .mde, .msc, .msp, .mst, .pif, .scr, .sct, .shb, .sys, .vb, .vbe, .vbs, .vxd, .wsc, .wsf and .wsh. While there may be ways you can get around Google's executable file attachment policy, you lose the protection this policy was intended to provide and you run the risk of having your Gmail account suspended.
