How to Hook Up a Coby BlueTooth Headset to an Evo

By Tyson Cliffton

Enable Bluetooth functionality on your EVO using the Settings menu.
i Ethan Miller/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Connecting a Coby Bluetooth headset to your HTC EVO smartphone frees up your hands for doing other business-related tasks. For example, a Bluetooth headset makes it easier to write or type notes during a business call at your desk, or to even take a call while you're walking through an airport or driving to meet with business partners. Connecting a Coby Bluetooth headset to the HTC EVO smartphone can be done in a matter of minutes.

Press the "Home" button on the HTC EVO to return to the device's home screen.

Tap "Menu," select "Settings" and choose "Wireless & Networks."

Place a check mark in the context box next to Bluetooth to enable Bluetooth functionality on the device.

Hold down the "Power" button on the Coby Bluetooth headset until the device emits two beeps and the blue and red status lights take turns flashing. The headset is now in Pairing mode.

Position the Coby Bluetooth headset and the HTC EVO smartphone so the two devices are within a few feet of each other, ensuring a strong signal.

Tap "Bluetooth Settings" in the Bluetooth screen on your EVO smartphone.

Tap "Scan for Devices." A list of Bluetooth devices detected by your smartphone will appear.

Tap the name of your Coby Bluetooth headset. If there are multiple devices detected and you're unsure which one is the headset, consult the user's guide for your specific headset model, which will tell you what name will be associated with your headset. If no passcode is required, the headset automatically will be paired with your device. However, if you're prompted for a passcode, you'll need to enter it before the devices can be paired. If you don't know the passcode, it will be listed in the user's guide that came with your headset.
