How to Get Silverlight to Stream on Your iPhone

By Jason Spidle

Use the free ABYTY Browser to stream Silverlight on an iPhone.
i David Paul Morris/Getty Images News/Getty Images

The iPhone operating system doesn't natively support Silverlight content, but you can get around this restriction by using a free service called ABYTY. This tool provides on-demand remote access to a browser capable of displaying Silverlight content directly within Safari. Because the browser functions as a proxy, playback quality will depend on your current connection speed. For best results, use Wi-Fi if available.

Open Safari and navigate to the ABYTY page (link in Resources).

Tap the "Play" button to load the ABYTY browser within Safari.

Tap the address bar and navigate to the Silverlight content you want to stream.

Click the "Settings" icon and select the video playback quality that works best with your transfer rate.


With ABYTY loaded, tap the "Share" button in Safari and then tap "Add to Home Screen" to install ABYTY as an app on your iPhone.


Information in this article applies to the iPhone 5 and iOS 6.1. It may vary slightly or significantly with other versions or products.
