How to Enter Accents on Letters on Facebook

By Aurelio Locsin

Accented letters are common in many European languages.
i Hemera Technologies/ Images

If your Facebook postings are primarily in English and you use a keyboard designed for American English speakers, you can simply enter your messages by pressing keys. However, if you want to enter foreign words with accent marks or type in a foreign language with such marks, you need to use ALT codes.

Press the “NumLock” key on your numeric keypad to turn on the NumLock light. This enables you to enter codes for accents on letters using those numeric keys. For unaccented characters, use the alphabetic keypad as usual.

Enter grave foreign accent by pressing "Alt" and then the listed code from the numeric keypad: À: 0192, È: 0200 , Ì: 0204, Ò: 0210, Ù: 0217, à: 0224, è: 0232, ì: 0236 , ò: 0242 , ù: 0249.

Enter acute accents with the following "Alt" key codes: Á: 0193, É: 0201, Í: 0205, Ó: 0211, Ú: 0218, Ý: 0221, á: 0225, é: 0233, í: 0237, ó: 0243, ú: 0250, ý: 0253:

Enter circumflex accents with the following "Alt" codes: Â: 0194, Ê: 0202, Î: 0206, Ô: 0212, Û: 0219, â: 0226, ê: 0234, î: 0238, ô: 0244, û: 0251.

Enter tilde accents with the following "Alt" codes:: Ã: 0195, Ñ: 0209, Õ: 0213, ã: 0227, ñ: 0241, õ: 0245.

Enter umlaut accents with the following "Alt" codes: : Ä: 0196, Ë: 0203, Ï: 0207, Ö: 0214, Ü: 0220, Ÿ: 0159: ä: 0228, ë: 0235, ï: 0239, ö: 0246, ü: 0252, ÿ: 0255.
