How to Download Google Docs to My Kindle Fire

By Andrew McClain

The files in Google Docs reside in the cloud in a storage space called a Google Drive, so you and collaborators can access your files from a Web browser. If you want to use Google Docs on a personal device like a Kindle Fire, you need to do a little work. The Google Drive app won't work on the Kindle Fire, so you have a few options: You can download files to your computer and transfer them to your Kindle Fire over USB, email or the Send to Kindle app for your computer.

USB Transfer

Open your Google Drive. Enter your username and password if requested.

Select the document you want to download and drag it to the desktop or to any directory you want.

Plug the Kindle Fire into the computer's USB port. You see the Kindle Fire appear as a drive in the list. Double-click on the drive to open it.

Open the "Internal Storage" directory, and then open the "Documents" sub-directory.

Select the file you downloaded from Google Drive and drag it to the Documents directory.

Unplug the Kindle Fire and the document will appear in the Carousel.


Open your Google Drive and log in if prompted.

Select the document you want to download and drag it to the desktop or to any directory you want.

Email the file to your Kindle address -- for example, [email protected]. When you open the Kindle and connect it to a Wi-Fi network, the document will appear in the Doc List.

Send to Kindle App

Open your Google Drive and log in if requested. Drag the document you want to download into the location you want.

Open the "Send to Kindle" application, and drag the document onto the application's window.

Click "Send" to send the file to the Kindle Fire. The document will appear when you connect the Kindle Fire to a Wi-Fi network.
