How to do Spanish Characters in PowerPoint

By Nicole Vulcan

Without the proper accents, your attempt at Spanish will look unprofessional.
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You may not be able to see international characters on your keyboard, but your Microsoft Office suite will allow you to type them with simple key combinations. If you're creating a PowerPoint presentation for a Spanish-speaking audience, for example, you'll want to make sure you're using accents and special punctuation correctly. This will give you more credibility with your audience and lend your presentation a more professional look.

Press the "Ctrl" button at the same time as the apostrophe -- the ' character. Press the letter to which you want to add an accent, immediately following the Ctrl-apostrophe combination. This will create a letter that looks like this: á. If you want to put an accent on a capital letter, press the "Shift" key at the same time as the letter.

Press the "Ctrl" and the "Shift" and the "~" key at the same time. Immediately following, select the letter to which you want to add the Spanish tilde. If you want to make a capital letter, press the "Shift" key at the same time as the letter, to create a letter that looks like this: Ñ.

Press the "Alt," the "Ctrl," the "Shift" and the "?" key all at once to create the upside down question mark that is used at the beginning of a Spanish question. This will create a character that looks like this: ¿.

Press the "Alt," the "Ctrl," the "Shift" and the "!" keys all at once to create the upside down exclamation point that is used at the beginning of a Spanish exclamation. This will create a character that looks like this: ¡.

Press "Ctrl" and the "Shift" and the ":" keys all at once, and then select the letter, to create a letter that looks like this: ü.

Press the "Shift" key at the same time as the letter if you want to use a capital letter.

Press the "Ctrl" and the "," keys together, and then press the "c" key to create a character that looks like this: ç.

Press the "Shift" key at the same time as the letter if you want to use a capital letter.
