How to Disable the Facebook Friend Finder Suggestion

By Kathryn Hatashita-Lee

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You can remove the Friend Finder section from your Facebook profile and minimize distractions from the avatars of people who may be strangers to you. Facebook stores imported personal and business contacts from your other email accounts, such as Windows Live Hotmail and Skype, and then compiles lists for suggested friends to expand your online network. Accessing the "Find Friends" link will help you navigate to the "Remove All Contacts" option and then disable the Friend Finder widget in the side pane of your profile.

Navigate to your Facebook profile and then click “Find Friends” in the Favorites section.

Click “Manage imported contacts.”

Click “Remove all contacts,” and then click “Remove.” A status message appears, advising that a confirmation notice will be sent to you.

Click the “Notifications” or “Globe” button in the menu bar to view the confirmation; look for a message entitled, “Your imported contacts were removed at your request.” The Friend Finder section disappears from your profile's side pane.
