How to Delete Archived Items at Amazon

By Kathryn Hatashita-Lee

Amazon includes a Manage Your Kindle option to delete archived items.
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Access your Amazon account on your desktop to delete archived items from your online Kindle Library. Your Kindle Library can sort titles to help you find the unwanted title and take action more quickly. Deleting will permanently remove this item from your Amazon account and Kindle archives, and also help streamline these source lists.

Sign in to your Amazon account. Click the “Your Account” menu button and then click “Manage Your Kindle” to display your Kindle Library and a table of titles.

Tap or click the “View” drop-down list and click the category by which you want to sort your library. For example, tap or click “Books.” As an alternative, enter the title’s keywords in the “Search your library” field and then click “Go” to filter the titles.

Tap or click the “+” button next to the title to display the book cover and help you decide if you selected the correct title.

Tap or click the “Actions” menu button at the end of the title’s row, then click “Delete from Library.” Click “Yes” to confirm the deletion. The words “Successfully deleted” will display above the selected title. The Library table updates without the deleted title. Your Kindle’s Archived Items list will also update.


If you change your mind and want to access the item again, you'll need to purchase it again from Amazon.
