How to Delete a False Facebook Page
By Jennifer Leighton
Part of growing your business often involves using social networking sites like Facebook -- but dealing with false profiles and pages can make that more difficult than it should be. Whether you find false Facebook pages that claim to represent you or your company or you discover obviously false Facebook pages representing other individuals or companies, you can report these fakes to Facebook administrators. Although you are unable to directly delete any Facebook account that you did not create yourself, you can report false accounts to Facebook administrators, who can then research the account and delete it if it's confirmed to be false.
Navigate to the timeline that you wish to report as fake, and then click the "Down Arrow" next to the wheel-shaped icon. A drop-down menu will appear.
Click "Report/Block" in the drop-down menu. A new pop-up page will appear.
Click the empty circle next to "Report This Timeline," and then click "Continue." A new page titled "Report and/or Block This Person" will appear.
Click the empty circle next to the reason that you are reporting this false profile. Options under the heading "This Timeline Is Pretending to Be Someone Else" include the following: Me, Someone I Know or a Celebrity. Options under the heading "This Timeline Doesn't Represent a Real Person" include the following: Fake Name, Pet, Cartoon or other Character, Business or Organization or Other. Click at least one reason, but you may select more than one reason if it applies.
Click "Report to Facebook" when the pop-up window "Here Are the Actions You Can Take Based on the Reasons You've Selected" appears. An empty field with the heading "Additional Information to Help Us With Our Investigation" will appear.
Type an explanation of why you believe the account is false, including any supporting evidence you have, into the empty field and then click "Continue." A message will appear thanking you and saying that your report has been received.
If you find that you are only given the "Block" option in the "Here Are the Actions you can Take Based on the Reasons You've Selected" screen, start the reporting process over and choose "Other" in addition to any other reasons selected for reporting the timeline. Choosing "Other" will always allow you to file a full report in which you get the opportunity to complete the field with additional information regarding your report.