How to Crop Facebook Profile Pictures So That the Whole Face Shows in the Thumbnail
By Kefa Olang
When you upload a Facebook profile picture, your entire face may not show up in the thumbnail version that appears on the site unless it's properly cropped and adjusted. Thumbnails are much smaller than the profile picture, and they appear next to any posts or comments you make, either on your own page or on those of other Facebook users. Profile thumbnails don't usually show the entire part of the profile picture, so you must select which part to use. Business owners can adjust the thumbnails for profile pictures on both personal Timelines and business pages.
Editing a Current Profile Picture
Click your personal Timeline in Facebook and hover the mouse cursor over your current profile picture. If you want to adjust the thumbnail for a profile picture on your business page, click the drop-down arrow next to the Home button and click the page name. Hover the mouse cursor over the business page's profile picture.
Click the "Edit Profile Picture" button that appears over the image and then click the "Edit Thumbnail" link from the pop-up menu that opens. The "Edit Thumbnail" box opens, and the profile thumbnail appears in a small box.
Hover your mouse over the thumbnail in the box. The mouse pointer turns into a four-sided arrow. Drag the thumbnail around until your whole face appears in the thumbnail.
Click the "Scale to fit" check box to display the entire profile picture in the thumbnail. When you select this option, Facebook resizes the image to fit in the box.
Click the "Save" button to save your changes.
Cropping and Adding a New Profile Picture
Find the image to use as a profile picture from your Facebook albums and click it. Click the "Options" link and click "Make Profile Picture" or "Make Profile Picture for Page."
Drag the corners of the transparent box that appears over the picture to expand the size of the image to be used as a thumbnail. Drag the box around until your face is framed.
Click the "Done Cropping" to use the cropped image as your profile picture.
Writer Bio
Kefa Olang has been writing articles online since April 2009. He has been published in the "Celebration of Young Poets" and has an associate degree in communication and media arts from Dutchess Community College, and a bachelor's degree in broadcasting and mass communication from the State University of New York, Oswego.