How to Create Multiple Users on Blogspot
By Aurelio Locsin
Managing a small business requires time and hard work. It's quite possible that you won't have the time to manage your company blog on top of all your other duties. Google's blogging platform, Blogger (formerly Blogspot), makes managing a blog easy, and you might decide to assign this task to one or more of your key workers who have a marketing background or a flair for writing. You can easily add multiple users to your blog and watch your content grow more quickly.
Navigate to and log in to your administrative dashboard. Click the name of the blog you want to modify. An Overview page for the selected blog appears.
Click “Settings” to display the Basic Settings page. If a different page appears, click “Basic” under the Settings heading to access the correct options.
Locate the "Blog Authors" box under Permissions. Your name and email address should be listed here, along with any other authorized blog users.
Click “Add Authors” to open the Add Authors box. Click “Choose from Contacts” if the users you want to add are contacts in your Gmail address book. The "Choose From Contacts" dialog opens. Click the users you want to add, then click “Done” to save your selections and close the dialog. If the users you want to add are not listed in your Gmail address book, type the email address of each user, separated by commas, into the Add Authors box.
Click the “Invite Authors” button to invite the added users to respond. Each user must click a link in the email invitation when it arrives and then sign in to your blog using a Gmail account.
Refresh the "Basic Settings" page after your additional users have accepted. The Blog Authors box should display their names and email addresses. By default, new users are granted “Author” privileges and can enter new posts. If you want a user to have administrative privileges, which will allow him to change layouts and add widgets, select “Admin” from the drop-down menu next to the user's name.
Ask the new users you've added to your blog to enter new posts, then browse to your blog and view the posts to confirm that you've set things up correctly.
Writer Bio
Aurelio Locsin has been writing professionally since 1982. He published his first book in 1996 and is a frequent contributor to many online publications, specializing in consumer, business and technical topics. Locsin holds a Bachelor of Arts in scientific and technical communications from the University of Washington.