How to Create a Drop-Down Box in Word

By C. Taylor

A job application might use a drop-down box to restrict choices.
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Microsoft Word 2010 enables you to create customized forms, such as surveys or employment applications. A drop-down box is ideal when you need a form element to restrict selection to a list of possible choices. As an example, a drop-down box in an application form might only give the applicant the option of selecting from available positions, rather than risking a generic description. Creating this drop-down box requires access to the Developer tab, which is disabled by default.

Click "File," "Options" and then "Customize Ribbon."

Check "Developer" from the right list and then "OK" to enable the Developer tab.

Click wherever in the document you want the drop-down list to appear.

Click the "Developer" tab and then the "Drop-Down List Content Control" button from the Controls group. This button looks like a list with scroll arrows on the right side.

Click the "Control Properties" button from the Controls group. This button looks like a hand pointing to a list.

Click "Choose an Item" from the Drop-Down List Properties section and then "Modify" if you want to change the default display name. This display name should provide instructions, such as "Choose a Job Position," rather than providing an actual choice.

Click "Add," type a descriptive first choice and press "Enter" to add the choice. Repeat for each choice you want to add.

Click a choice and then "Move Up" or "Move Down" if you need to change its position in the list.

Click "OK" to complete the drop-down box.
