How to Convert a Spreadsheet Into a Comma-Delimited String

By Ryan Menezes

CSV files store the contents of each spreadsheet cell.
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Comma delimited value files contain tabular data consisting of records and fields, much as many spreadsheets do. Unlike spreadsheets, comma delimited value, or CSV, files store data as plain text, with commas separating adjacent records. As a result, many programs other than spreadsheet applications can open or import CSV strings. For example, if you need to transfer contact information related to you company's staff from an Excel workbook to a contact manager, you can often export the workbook as CSV data to make an intermediary file.

Click "File" in the Excel ribbon.

Click "Save As."

Click the "Save as type" drop-down menu and click "CSV (comma delimited)" from the drop-down menu.

Browse to the location on your computer where you want to save the file.

Click "Save."
