How to Contact Facebook & Speak With a Representative

By Melly Parker

Your Facebook business page enables you to connect with current and potential clients, but problems might sometimes make your page malfunction and prevent interactions. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn't publish its direct number for businesses to contact them when problems arise. Instead, the Help Center has a different contact form for each type of issue you encounter. With the form, the problem is addressed by the right person who will contact you and help you resolve the issue.

Open the Facebook Help Center (see Resources).

Click on "Something's Not Working."

Choose the issue most relevant to your problem. Read the answers until you find an answer that ends with a "let us know" link. Click it.

Fill out the contact form, including a detailed description of the problem and screenshots if possible. Hit "Send" to send the message to Facebook.


If you navigate to "Something's Not Working" (see Resources), click a relevant option under "Report a Broken Feature" and click one of the blue sentences that describes an issue, it may have the phrase "let us know" as a clickable link to open a contact form.

Additionally, under the heading "Report Issues with Ads or Pages," click "Trouble With Your Facebook Page" then click the "tell us more" link to contact a Facebook representative.

If you want to contact Facebook for media purposes, email them at [email protected]
