How to Connect a MacBook to a VGA Projector

By Julius Vandersteen

You can display images from your MacBook with a VGA projector.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

When you need to show people a presentation for your business with a MacBook, you can connect the laptop to a VGA projector to give the audience a larger image to view. Apple currently sells two versions of the MacBook, as of the date of publication. MacBook Air models are available with an 11-inch display and a 13-inch display, while MacBook Pro models are available with 13-inch display and a 15-inch display. All MacBooks come with a Thunderbolt port, which you use with a separately purchased adapter to connect to a VGA projector.

Connect the Mini DisplayPort to VGA adapter’s smaller connector to the Thunderbolt port on your MacBook. The Thunderbolt port, identified with a lightning bolt icon, is located on the right side of the MacBook Air and on the left side of the MacBook Pro.

Connect the adapter’s VGA connector to the “VGA In” port on the VGA projector.

Power on the VGA projector.

Power on your MacBook, then click the Apple logo at the top left of the display, and then click “System Preferences.”

Click “Displays,” and then click “Detect Displays.” Click “Arrangement,” and then click the “Mirror Displays” check box. This causes the MacBook to display whatever you see on its screen simultaneously with the VGA projector.
