How to Attach a PDF to a LinkedIn Profile

By Elizabeth Mott

Add PDF files to your LinkedIn profile with the Box application.
i Justin Sullivan/Getty Images News/Getty Images

If you've joined the LinkedIn online professional network and want to attach a PDF to your profile, one of LinkedIn's third-party applications makes it possible to share promo sheets, project profiles and other results-oriented information about your business. Other than your photograph, a LinkedIn profile consists entirely of descriptions of your experience, education and abilities. With third-party applications, you can extend LinkedIn's services and capabilities, incorporating up to 15 modules on your profile page.

Log in to your LinkedIn account and load your profile page. Click on the "More" menu and choose "Get More Applications."

Locate the listing on the Application Directory. Click on its icon or link to load the application's page.

Click on the "Display on My Profile" check box so the application will appear there. Click on the "Add Application" button to proceed.

Fill in your email address, choose and confirm a password and click on the "Continue" button to create your Box account. If you already have a Box account, click on the "Login" link to access it.

Authorize your Box account to access your LinkedIn account and designate a profile folder. Only the files that you place in this folder become visible on your LinkedIn profile.

Return to your LinkedIn profile and organize the location of the Box application so it appears where you want it. Click and drag the "Applications" profile-page section header to relocate it. Use the MyBox LinkedIn application area to upload and manage your PDF files.


If you change your mind about displaying the Box application on your profile, click on its "Remove" link on your Edit Profile page.

Read the LinkedIn and Box terms of service to assure that you know which types of personal information LinkedIn applications can access.

Use the collaboration features of the Box application if you want to work with others on a shared project.


The Box application doesn't provide a means of logging the identities of people who download your PDFs and the other files you share through it.
