How to Make a Website Presentation

By Mary Jane

Updated January 09, 2018

Organize your presentation material before uploading to the website.
i website image by 6922Designer from

A website presentation is a virtual presentation that takes place in a website format. A website presentation, also known as online conferencing or a webinar, involves two parts – a presenter, who is in charge of the website and presentation design and the viewers, who log on to the website using individual passwords to view the presentation. Making a website presentation is simple, as online resources can help you start, upload your presentation and send out invitation links.

Create your website presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint. Make a plan for each slide in the document and use specific keywords to make your presentation interesting and engaging.

Add pictures, phrases, videos and quotes to inspire and engage the people who will be viewing the presentation. These additions will also make your slides stand out, help you reach your presentation goals and add personality to the overall presentation.

Select one of various website presentation resources, including, Microsoft Life Meeting and

Upload your PowerPoint presentation file to your chosen website presentation resource.

Select your option of audio presentation format. This includes telephone presentations, online audio presentation or no audio presentations. To listen to the presentation, people can either call in or use their computer speakers.

Add extra options to your website presentation, including surveys afterward and the option for the audience to ask questions after the presentation concludes.

Complete a guest login and password for your viewers. Each viewer can use the same generic password and login so create one that suits all viewers.

Complete any requirements given by the online website presentation resource. Save the presentation link, along with the login information. Send the link and login information out to viewers using regular email. Include a date and time for the presentation. All you have to do is log onto the presentation website with your administrative password and name and control the presentation, as viewers see the presentation from their own website presentation link.
