How to Hook Up Two Receivers on a Bell ExpressVu Satellite

By Greyson Ferguson

It is possible to connect two different receivers to your satellite dish.
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The Bell ExpressVu satellite dish is a Canada-based television service, designed to give you the same programming features as other cable providers. When using the Bell ExpressVu dish, you are able to connect multiple receivers to the equipment, as long as you have two or more satellite arms connected to it. This must be done by a service technician, but once it's installed, you are able to connect two different receivers to the dish.

Contact your Bell ExpressVu satellite service provider (the exact number is going to vary, depending on your location and service provider, although the information is listed on your monthly billing statement). Request to add a second receiver to your service. Set up a day and time frame for the installation technician to stop by and connect the second arm.

Attach the first coaxial cable running out of the dish into the "In" port of the first receiver. Repeat the same process with the second coaxial cable and the second receiver.

Plug the component video cables into the "Component Out" ports on the first receiver, then attach the other ends into the "Component In" ports on the TV. Perform this connection on the second receiver.

Connect the RCA audio cables into the "Audio Out" ports on the receiver, then plug the free ends into the "Audio In" ports on the television. Do this on both receivers. To see the Bell ExpressVu programming, power on the receiver and the TV, then choose "Source," followed by "Component Video," on the TV and the content loads onto the screen.
